(Video) The 2011 Hong Kong Conference of Buddhism Attended by Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions from all over the World

The 2011 Hong Kong Conference of Buddhism Attended by Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions from all over the World

(Video) The 2011 Hong Kong Conference of Buddhism Attended by Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions from all over the World

The 2011 Hong Kong Conference of Buddhism Attended by Masters of Dharma-Listening Sessions from all over the World

Link: https://dharma-hhdorjechangbuddhaiii.org/the-2011-hong-kong-conference-of-buddhism-attended-by-masters-of-dharma-listening-sessions-from-all-over-the-world/

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMlcjdVJzdc&t=10s

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