Speaking from My Experience of Attending the Dharma Assembly of Empowerment by Kuan Yin Bodhisattva’s Mind of Great Compassion
–“I laughed loudly and heartedly without stopping. I felt that the laugh
resolved all kinds of worries and threw all my afflictions far, far away..”
I am grateful to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
At the beginning, I followed the instruction from the master who was practicing the dharma to relax my entire body. Shortly after, I started to tremble from my feet. My heart was filled with happiness, delight, and joy and I laughed. However, I realized that there were no movements or sound from other people and thus tried to be silent, but I could not control myself. So I laughed loudly and heartedly without stopping. I felt that the laugh resolved all kinds of worries and threw all my afflictions far, far away. I was under the light of auspiciousness and harmony that covered everywhere. My laugh caused tear to flow from my eyes. Later, I sat down, but I continued to laugh heartedly and could not stop myself. Then I heard the singing of the Six Character Great Bright Mantra and the holy name of Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva. Some people in the hall joined the singing. At that time, I stood up to make some movements. After that, I sat down and again laughed incessantly. That was simply beyond my control. I also said repeatedly, “Hey, I laughed too much!”
Then I felt that I was like traveling within the lights in the empty space. Also, there was a kind of instruction to make me talk. So I kept saying, “Okay, okay, no problem, no problem, all are very well.” I also said, “Hey, Amitabha Buddha came, Amitabha Buddha came!” “I am grateful to the empowerment from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to remove our karmic hindrances. I am grateful to the empowerment from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to remove our karmic hindrances, so that I will have no impediment when my life ends.” “That will keep me far away from distorted dreaming thinking and enable me to attain ultimate nirvana.” “Amitabha Buddha empowers us to remove our karmic hindrances, so we all attain accomplishment and liberation early.” “All unfavorable karmic conditions will be removed, Amitabha Buddha! Dharma brothers will get along in harmony. Everyone will become accomplished.” “I am grateful to Amitabha Buddha. I am grateful to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for coming to bring away my past adversaries and creditors. I am grateful to the empowerment from Amitabha Buddha that expels my karmic hindrances.” “Buddha light can introduce my past adversaries and creditors to leave suffering and acquire happiness and enable them to be reborn in good realms. Amitabha Buddha!”
I could recall that I had never had such a big laugh so openly and freely. It lasted so long to transmit joy and happiness to others and was full of positive energy. I felt both happy and grateful. Even until long after the empowerment dharma assembly had ended, such joyful sense and awareness was still there. My mood was relaxed and delightful. My heart was filled with peace, kindness, and joy whenever I saw anyone or anything.
Next in September, Hua Zang Si held another session of the Dharma Assembly of Empowerment by Kuan Yin Bodhisattva’s Mind of Great Compassion. Due to the limitation on the number of attendees, we stayed outside the hall to receive empowerment.
The experience of this time was not quite the same as the last time. We sat with our eyes closed. The attendees first chanted the Six Character Great Bright Mantra and then chanted their own mantras. I immediately felt that there was a flow of black air rolling in my chest. So I began to spit it out and also yelled loudly. I kept doing that until completely spitting that black air out. Then there was a flow of warm air rising from my back. At that time, my body felt rather warm, even though I was sitting on the cold floor.
A Buddhist nun before me stood up and began to dance and rotating. From time to time, I felt the lap of her clothing waving by my face. She also laid herself down. I felt the movement of her hands and feet. Her feet kicked toward me. I spontaneously stepped backward.
At this time, I heard all kinds of sound in the hall. Someone was chanting the Buddha’s name in a tone of soprano. The sound of patting was also heard. I gradually calmed down and felt that my body became lighter and was within auspicious and peaceful light. I felt that I was in the sky viewing the scene from above. I saw mountains, ocean, and buildings. The views in front of my eyes were played like in a movie.
The empowerment from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are truly inconceivable. Even those of us who were outside the hall also received benefits of different types. I am greatly moved! Again, I am grateful to the empowerment from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, and all Buddhias and Bodhisattvas!
Humble Disciple: Shi Zhengjian, holding my palms together
September 14, 2016
Link: https://goo.gl/AbCn2p
#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha #Buddha #GuanYinBodhisattva #Bodhisattva #Empowerment #Compassion #Laugh #Mantra
Namo H.H.Dorje Chang Budha III
Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Namo H.H.Dorje Chang Budha III