Dharma Assembly of Empowerment by Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva’s Mind of Great Compassion
“The emotions I felt were powerful and brought tears to my eyes…”
Sunday, May 6, 2018
I, Sangjie Tieba Rinpoche, attest to the following sequence of events that occurred on April 15th, 2018 during the Guan Yin Bodhisattva Great Compassion Empowerment Dharma Assembly, held in Potomac, Maryland.
After the Guan Yin Bodhisattva Great Compassion Empowerment Dharma Assembly began, the participants in attendance were told to raise their arms in front of them, allow their hands to hang down and to close their eyes. We were also told not to open our eyes until instructed. Shortly after closing my eyes, my mind began to reflect on the suffering of the world. The emotions I felt were powerful and brought tears to my eyes. I am not sure how much time passed, but all of a sudden I was struck rather hard in the area of my heart, pushing me backward. While I was startled and confused, a female voice said to me “Do not be afraid” in a firm, but compassionate tone, which immediately calmed me down.
This woman continually struck the same area of my chest only more gently. After each strike, she told me to “Breath,” which I did. After 8 to 10 strikes in this manner, she stopped. Then as suddenly as she had appeared, she was gone. Feeling drained, I lowered my arms to my side. My mind returned to reflecting on the suffering of the world. Only now I was calmer and more engaged in the emotions that accompanied this reflection.
After the ceremony concluded, we were asked to share our experiences. A sister spoke and described a remarkable journey she experienced. She was guided by Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Ultimately, she was told to return to the Dharma Assembly, for she had work to do. It was her, through the guidance of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, who struck me and moved throughout the assembly engaging others as she was told to do.
Since the Guan Yin Bodhisattva Great Compassion Empowerment Dharma Assembly, I continually hear the voice instructing me “Do not be afraid” and to “Breath.” I lack the accomplishment to understand the meaning of this message and why I was chosen to hear it. However, the law of cause and effect never errors. If what I have just reported is false, I will descend into the Vajra Hell.
Sangjie Tieba
“The emotions I felt were powerful and brought tears to my eyes…”
#HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha #Buddha #Bodhisattva #Dharma #Buddhism #Empowerment #Tathagatha #GuanShiYinBodhisattva #Chanting #Mantra
Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III
Good story,I like.
Homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III